The show's associate director Josh Seymour shares his views from behind the scenes...
Snappy Title is a fantastic event which I really believe in - it supports new musical theatre writing by giving composers the crucial opportunity to have their work performed, while at the same time raising money for a really worthwhile cause. So it's been great to work on the show and see it all coming together over the last few weeks. In my role as associate director I've been assisting the performers in rehearsal when needed, and generally helping with the creative aspects of the show.
For me, having just graduated from university, it's been a massive treat to be in a rehearsal room with amazing West End performers. Not to do a disservice to the many brilliant student performers I worked with at uni, but it's been especially thrilling to see professional singers making magic up close. Working on new material has been exciting as it gives us the opportunity to make the first interpretation of a song. There have been plenty of 'tingle moments' in rehearsals as performers connected with new songs for the first time - and I'm sure these moments will become even more beautiful when released from our little rehearsal room into the lovely Cochrane auditorium on Sunday night.
It's so difficult for new musical theatre writing to get exposure in a theatrical landscape increasingly dominated by jukebox musicals - events like this are crucial to encourage and nurture new composing talent. So I'm glad my first professional experience has been working on this show - I hope to be able to develop and direct new musicals in the future, and having the chance to work with ridiculously talented performers on vibrant new material has confirmed to me how exciting and essential it is to keep supporting new writing.
Everyone who comes to the Cochrane on Sunday night is in for a treat - I can't wait for the audience to hear the songs and find out what they think! And although I have loved working on all the songs, I'm especially excited for the audience to hear Matt Board's hilarious fairytale-inspired Let Down My Hair, performed by Bronte Barbe (Over the Rainbow), and Charles Bloom's gorgeously romantic It's Only Natural, performed by Sarah Earnshaw (Wicked). Come to the show and let me know what your favourite song is!