West Virginia University Hospitals East presents HOME GAMES, a comedy/drama by Tom Ziegler and directed by Michael Saunders through April 1st.
Mertle Mae Tucker supports herself, her dad, a canary and a blind cat working as a truck dispatcher. Dad sat the bench for one season with the Yankees and now he lives in a crazy twilight zone, walking around in his uniform and talking to the audience as he would to Casey Stengel. When Mertle is pursued by a young executive all their lives get complicated, touching and downright funny.
Call (304) 725-4420 for reservations.
Michael Saunders has directed some of the most memorable shows in the area, including Desperate Affection, Proof and Doubt, A Parable at the Old Opera House, and most recently the gripping drama Last of the Boys at the Full Circle Theatre in Shepherdstown.
Jack Brennan has appeared on the Old Opera House stage in a variety of roles, everything from the redneck Dub Dubberly in the comedy Dearly Beloved to Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks in the musical Annie to Giles Corey in The Crucible. Jack will be playing the role of the seriously off-center father, Anton Tucker.
Holly Noel Legg hit the Old Opera House stage by storm last season, making her OOH stage debut as Eliza Doolittle in our Centennial production, My Fair Lady and then went on to play the sexually-charged CPA Karen Brown in the hilarious comedy, Unnecessary Farce and the troubled Violet Peterson in It’s a Wonderful Life. Holly will be playing the role of the no-nonsense daughter, Mertle Mae Tucker.