Take an aging, exceedingly vain actor; his very rich wife; a double dealing, double loving agent and plunk them down in an elegant New York duplex. Add dialogue crackling with wit and laughs and you have the basic elements for an evening of pure, sophisticated entertainment.
Director Susan Thornton, who most recently directed Dirty Rotten Scoundrels for the Old Opera House, has assembled a fresh group of comic scoundrels to bring this comedy/thriller to the OOH stage, including Bettina Fiery, Dan Rice, C. J. Stevens, Eileen Elliott, Robert Allen, and Troy Crossley.
Show dates, time and admission prices:
Friday and Saturday, October 18th-19th and 25th and 26th, adult prices are $19 dollars, student prices are $10. Sunday matinee is 20th and 27th is at 2:30, and is $17 for adults and $10 for students.