The hilarious and heartbreaking story of Big Edie and Little Edie Bouvier Beale, the eccentric aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, once bright names on the social register who became East Hampton's most notorious recluses.
David Porterfield and Musical Director Alison Shafer have assembled some of the area's finest talent to bring this delightful musical to life on the Old Opera House stage including, Holly Legg, Karen Heyser-Paone, Brittney Bartlett, Ed Conn,
Eric Jones, Rachel Jackson, Caroline Brewer, Donnie Cruse, and Steven Brewer.
Be sure to RESERVE the best seating by calling the Old Opera House BOX OFFICE at #304.725.4420 or
...Purchase Your Tickets ONLINE!
Fridays & Saturdays @ 8pm | $22.00 Adults
Sunday matinees @ 2:30pm | $22.00 Adults
Youth (up to 17): $15.00 | Seniors 65+ & Students (18-25): $19.00
*Grey Gardens the Musical is staged by arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc
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