Based on the timeless film, White Christmas, this heartwarming musical features seventeen of Irving Berlin's most beloved songs in historic Charles Town's Old Opera House throughout the month of December. Veterans Bob Wallace and Phil Davis have a successful song-and-dance act after World War II. With romance in mind, the two follow a duo of beautiful singing sisters en route to their Christmas show at a Vermont ski lodge, which just happens to be owned by Bob and Phil's former army commander. They arrive to find that it has not snowed all season and there is plenty of room at the Inn. In an effort to save the Inn and their former commander, Bob and Phil bring their entire show to the Inn for the Christmas holidays. The dazzling score features well known standards including Blue Skies, I Love A Piano, How Deep Is the Ocean and the perennial favorite, White Christmas.
Show times and Prices:
Friday & Saturday December 3, 4, 10, 11 at 8:00pm Adults $17.00Rated G
Students $8.00 all performancesFor more information, visit