This captivating holiday musical reveals the untold story of young Kris Kringle. Discover what happens when an evil toy company CEO crosses paths with a starry-eyed, jobless toymaker whose family name carries a curse with the power to destroy Christmas. From the top of the world in the North Pole, Kris Kringle teams up with Santa and Mrs. Claus, the beautiful Evelyn Noel, a band of hilarious Apprentices and Elves, and magical Toys to remind us what Christmas is really all about: hope, family, and forgiveness.
... Purchase Your Tickets ONLINE! at
or call the Box office at (304) 725-4420
Thurs @ 7:30pm | FRI & SAT @ 8:00pm | SUN matinees @ 2:30pm
Adult: $22.00 | Seniors, College, Military: $19.00 | Students: $15.00 (Under age 18)
Kris Kringle: The Musical is presented through special arrangement with Angel Polar Bear LLC, which also provided all performance materials. Angel Polar Bear LLC, 914-831-7723; 1-866-254-8302 (fax),
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