Auditions for Kanawha Players Theatre's upcoming show, Accidental Death of an Anarchist, will take place near the end of April.
Inspector Bertozzo is interrogating a certified madman about a series of frauds, but unfortunately for him, the madman is far too quick-witted and spots an opportunity to evade the consequences of his crime while wreaking havoc on the police force. By impersonating a judge, the madman investigates the death of an anarchist who apparently fell, or jumped, "accidently" from a fourth story window at the police station. Through this investigation the madman begins to unravel the police station's cover-up of the death and helps to expose the officers' corruption and incompetence.
Audition Dates: April 23rd and 24th, 2018 at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Kanawha Players Theatre, 115 Spring Street, Charleston, WV 25302
Available Roles:
The Maniac
Inspector Bertozzo
Inspector Passini
Maria Feletti (Journalist)
Additional Information: Facebook Event Page or the Kanawha Players Website
Contact Info: or (304) 343-PLAY(7529)
Richard Allen is a contributing editor for Broadway World covering theatre throughout WV and the tri-state area. He also writes freelance for various other publications. You can check out his page on Facebook at and you can contact him via e-mail at