With tixCertificates, theatreWashington provides the ideal solution for the practical shopper intent on making the purchase that will never be re-gifted. Purchased in $20 denominations, tixCertificates can be redeemed at more than 40 professional theatres across the Washington, DC region.
The recipient of a tixCertificate can choose from musicals, dramas, comedies, children's theatre, and experimental projects that defy genres. They can attend a swanky evening downtown or visit a storefront theatre in their own neighborhood. The giver of a tixCertificate enjoys a win-win situation: they've given a flexible gift that anyone can enjoy, and they've given a gift that is meaningful and personal - the gift of a theatre experience that will become a lifelong memory. theatreWashington President and CEO Linda Levy explained, "We've been selling tixCertificates for almost a decade now. I don't know who's more grateful, the shoppers who discover something so completely practical and so completely meaningful at the same time, or the folks who receive a tixCertificate and know they've got some fun choices to make about where to spend it. And, of course, tixCertificates fit perfectly in a stocking!"Videos