Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company has announced the return of the renowned Pajama Men and their brand new show, Just the Two of Each of Us, which blends their trademark wit, improv, and fast-paced physical comedy with plenty of new surprises. The show recently received rave reviews during its run at The Arts Theatre in London and was ranked as Time Out London's #1 critic's comedy choice.
Just the Two of Each of Us incorporates a whole host of weird and wonderful characters-all played by The Pajama Men-including Beulah who would eat a spider to fit in with the cool kids; Nadine who wants her missing arm back; Franz whose biggest problem is that life is too easy; and a procrastinating King who only has 700 years to get his shit together because if he doesn't, it's certain death for everyone. Just the Two of Each of Us is a thrilling, time-warped, joke-ridden tale, whose seemingly unrelated storylines come crashing seamlessly together in breathless Pajama Men fashion.
Originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico, The Pajama Men have become stars of the international comedy circuit. They smashed all previous box office records at London's Soho Theatre in 2010, earned the title "Double Act of the Year" by The London Times, and have produced the highest rated show at the Edinburgh Fringe, the world's largest arts festival. Last year, The Pajama Men's In The Middle of No One played a sold out run to Washington audiences at Woolly and received rave reviews from The Washington Post's Peter Marks who wrote, "I am still recovering from my exposure to their antics, which oscillate at something on the order of 1,000 jokes per minute..."
In performance, the duo wears only their eponymous button-up pajamas. "We shift between characters and situations very quickly," explain Shenoah Allen and Mark Chavez, who keep the design and production values of their shows purposefully simple. "We didn't want to get bogged down with sets and costumes or even much lighting. We keep it simple so we can improvise and change things up. It's more about what's taking place inside your head while you're watching the show and less about what we're wearing."
Shenoah Allen and Mark Chavez, the pajama-wearing comedy duo from Albuquerque, New Mexico, have been making waves in the international comedy circuit for the past several years. Along the way, they've attained the Barry Award at the 2009 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, the Best Newcomer and Best of the Fest at the 2009 Sydney Comedy Festival, and sold out a season at the Sydney Opera House.
The Pajama Men performed their first show in 2000 under the name Sabotage, and began touring Canadian fringe festivals. After appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2004 and again in 2005, they renamed themselves The Pajama Men and relocated to Chicago where they were the first and only independent act represented by The Second City. Upon returning to Edinburgh in 2008, they garnered numerous accolades and have played in comedy venues in the United Kingdom and Australia.
To learn more about The Pajama Men, visit www.pajama-men.com.
The Pajama Men: Just the Two of Each of Us runs December 10, 2013-January 5, 2014 with performances Tuesday-Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 7pm and 9pm, and Sunday at 2pm and 7pm. Press and Opening Night is December 11 at 8pm. There will not be any performances on December 24 or December 25. On Monday, December 10, there will be a Pay What You Can performance at 8pm. Woolly's New Year's Eve Bash will be on Tuesday, December 31 following the 10:30pm performance.
Tickets to The Pajama Men: Just the Two of Each of Us start at $35 and can be purchased online at woollymammoth.net, by phone at 202-393-3939, via email at tickets@woollymammoth.net, or in person at the Box Office, located at 641 D Street NW.