"I am Prime Minister for the same reason that all Prime Ministers have been Prime Ministers: because I am good for nothing else."
Government in gridlock! Parties refusing to compromise! A charismatic leader ruling as much by personal appeal as by principles! No, not the present day - Shaw's "political extravaganza," written in the past and set in the future, is amazingly topical and as funny as it is foresighted. The Stage Guild presents GBS for the twentieth time now through May 20th!
Click here to buy tickets to The Apple Cart or call 240 582-0050.
Featuring Brit Herring, Conrad Feininger, Peggy Yates, Vincent Clark, Laura Giannarelli, Elizabeth Stripe, Michael Avolio and Phil Dickerson. Don't miss The Apple Cart, written by George Bernard Shaw - a man who Glenn Beck, blithely cherry-picking quotes out of context and rather spectacularly missing the satiric point of Shaw's work, has pronounced "one of the most evil men of the 20th century."
For more information, visit www.stageguild.org.