The American Century Theater begins its 14th season with Ah, Wilderness!, the Eugene O'Neill comedy, opening September 7 with performances through October 6 at TACT's Theatre II.
"Ah, Wilderness! follows the efforts of a devoted father to tame the passions of his teenage son," explain press notes, "First time TACT director Bob Bartlett is applying his extensive experience with O'Neill and his skill with young actors to bring this challenging and entertaining play to life in the close confines of Theater Two."
Kim-Scott Miller stars as the father (Nat Miller) opposite former Helen Hayes Award-nominee Rebecca Herron as his wife (Essie).
Rip Claussen is producer and costume designer. The creative team also includes Matt Otto (sound), Andrew Griffith (lights) and Andrew Berry (scenic).
The American Century Theater performs at Theater II, Gunston Arts Center located at 2700 S. Lang Street, Arlington, Virginia 22206. Performances are Thursday – Saturday evenings at 8PM, with Saturday or Sunday matinees at 2:30PM. More information is available at