The Reston Community Players (RCP), one of the Washington, D.C. area's premier local theater groups, will soon open the window for submission of new plays for the third season of its New Play Project. RCP will also bring back select plays from its first and second season of readings for further development.
"What sets this program apart is that we will continue working with the authors on an ongoing, longer-term, basis, providing multiple avenues to further develop their work," said Laura Baughman, President of the Reston Players.
For a two month period (July 1 - August 31, 2011), The Players will accept new scripts from authors. The Players will read each new script and determine whether to offer a basic reading of the play in RCP's rehearsal hall. For this presentation, actors will perform with scripts in hand, and no scenery or costumes. There is a lot of flexibility built into the system, so that, for example, The Players will provide a director, cast, and a rehearsal space. Or if the author is already working with a director, The Players gladly welcome him or her into the program. Over the next year The Players will present eight to ten readings, each open to the public, and include a reception and "talk back" with the audience, author, performers, and other personnel connected to the work. In this way the author gets valuable feedback, making the re-writing process more productive.
Continuing this third season The Players will invite several of last year's authors back for a second workshop reading, where we will add some production values, such as furniture, props or costumes, as appropriate for the work. All performances are open to the public, with a talk-back afterwards. Also, two or three of the authors from the first season will be asked back for further developmental presentations. Eventually one new work will be selected for presentation at the Center Stage at the Reston Community Center, in Reston, Virginia. This presentation will be complete with scenery, costumes, lighting, and all that goes with a complete presentation on a main proscenium stage.
"Just a short note to say thanks for the opportunity to participate in the New Play Project. It was a great evening and I enjoyed meeting you and all your company. What a great job the actors and director did! There is no higher high than hearing and seeing my work so professionally and artfully done. I know you asked for suggestions for the program, but I just can't think of anything that would make it better. It was truly wonderful. Once again, thanks for the support you give to new work." - Susan Price Monnot, Author of "Dead Dogs Don't Fart" (Presented at RCP - February 20, 2010)
This is not a playwriting competition - The Players will not be announcing "winners". More importantly, authors pay no submission or application fee and incur no production costs. On the contrary, a royalty is paid to the author each time his or her work appears in front of an audience. These readings are not presented under the Equity Showcase codes, so that the authors have total freedom to work with various actors, and will be able to replace actors as the scripts develop from performance to performance. There are no commitments required of the authors once they move on from the RCP New Play Project.
While the regular RCP season generally consists of established Broadway plays and musicals, The New Play Project has no such limitation. The Players welcome edgy, avant garde works, as well as traditional musicals, dramas, comedies, mysteries, etc. We are interested in bold, passionate, innovative and compelling new works, and have no restrictions as to theme, style or subject matter.
This year's two-month window to send scripts to The Players runs from July 1st through August 31st of 2011. For complete details on how to submit your work, please visit The Players' website at or send inquiries to