Come and see Imagination Theater's current production of the hilarious comedy RUN FOR YOUR WIFE, running from tonight, February 15 to March 3. Written by Ray Cooney, this play is a superb example of British farce and will having you laughing all the way home.
The play is about a taxi driver who gets away with having two wives in different areas of London because of his irregular work schedule. Complication is piled upon complication as the cabby tries to keep his double life from exploding. Some of your favorite veteran Imagination Theater actors are in this play; Richard Gaylord as Bobby Franklin, the over friendly upstairs neighbor, Grant Stellflug as John Smith the cab driver with two wives, Kathleen Mini as Barbara Smith and Jody Wills as Mary Smith. Rounding out the cast is Chris Celestin as Stanley Gardner, a good friend of John who gets caught up in all the little white lies, Marc Bonham as Detective Sergeant Troughton, and Sean Conley-Widing as Detective Sergeant Porterhouse. Gordon Prow makes a brief appearance as a reporter while also stage managing the play with his wife Sandra. Don't miss this very clever and funny play.Videos