Recent Tragic Events, Craig Wright's quirky and compelling story that follows a succession of bizarre coincidences and explores the spectrum of fate and free will, also examines Prologue Theatre's season question "Where do we look to find ourselves?"
"Wright's work pushes us to see and understand the complexities of our lives and those around us," said Director, and Prologue Theatre Founding Artistic Director, Jason Tamborini. "We begin to understand that the sum of all of the events in our lives, from the minuscule to the momentous, is actually greater than the individual parts. We are greater than the sum of our parts." The play takes place on the evening of September 12, 2001, but Tamborini does not see the events of the previous day as the focus of the play. "While not detracting from the enormity of that day, to me the play uses the events of September 11th as a vessel for us to see how any event, big or small, can affect us in different ways. No two people's reactions are alike. And none of them are 'wrong.' They are how we work through life and everything it throws our way."Videos