Pointless Theatre opens the 2013-2014 season with a long-awaited revival of their smash-hit jazz puppet spectacle Minnie the Moocher. This re-imagined production will be directed by Pointless' Co-Artistic Director Matt Reckeweg at the Mead Theatre Lab at Flashpoint (916 G Street NW) with performances running from January 1 to January 25.
This cautionary tale follows an innocent small-town girl named Minnie who moves to Harlem and foolishly falls in love with a hepcat named Smokey Joe. As Minnie is brought deeper and deeper into Smokey's hepcat lifestyle, she eventually falls victim to the dangerous, decadent, and seductive world of sex, drugs, and jazz that epitomized the roaring 20s.
The visual world of this extravagant time is brought to life by Puppet Designer and Co-Artistic Director Patti Kalil. The show draws visual inspiration from Fleischer Brothers' cartoons and the exploitation films of the 1930s to create a completely original interpretation of Calloway's music and the jazz culture it helped inspire. This original tale is loosely adapted from songs made famous by Cab Calloway in the 1920s and 1930s and features a narrative of ten songs played by a live eight-piece jazz band. Pointless has added three songs by Calloway not seen in the original version of the show. "Our show builds on the 2012 production by expanding the story of Minnie and Smokey Joe" says Reckeweg. "With more musical numbers, stronger choreography and tighter staging, this remount will have something new for even those who experienced the original production."Videos