Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater presents the world-premiere historical drama Camp David, penned by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lawrence Wright and directed by Artistic Director Molly Smith. Based on true events surrounding the 1978 Camp David Accords, the play follows the 13-day meeting between President Jimmy Carter, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat as they attempted to create the impossible: peace in the Middle East. Camp David runs tonight, March 21-May 4, 2014 in the Kreeger Theater. Scroll down for a first look at the cast!
The production features Tony Award nominee Hallie Foote (Broadway's Dividing the Estate) as Rosalynn Carter, Egyptian actor and activist Khaled Nabawy (Kingdom of Heaven, Fair Game) as Anwar Sadat, Tony Award winner Ron Rifkin (Alias, Broadway's Cabaret) as Menachem Begin and Emmy Award winner Richard Thomas (The Waltons) as President Jimmy Carter.
Camp David is the second project produced as part of Arena Stage's American President's Project, an initiative investigating the lives and legacies of our nation's Presidents and their families. Arena Stage is committed to illuminating the broad canvas of the American experience by delving into the history of Americans of all backgrounds and walks of life, including the first families who have resided here in our nation's capital and have shaped our country's narrative.
The creative team for Camp David includes Casting Director Geoff Josselson, Set Designer Walt Spangler, Costume Designer Paul Tazewell, Lighting Designer Pat Collins, Sound Designer David Van Tieghem, Projection Designer Jeff Sugg, Dialect Coach Anita Maynard-Losh, Stage Manager Susan R. White and Assistant Stage Manager Michael D. Ward.
Photo Credit: Tony Powell
Ron Rifkin as Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Richard Thomas as U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Khaled Nabawy as Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
HAllie Foote as Rosalynn Carter, Ron Rifkin as Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Khaled Nabawy as Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Richard Thomas as U.S. President Jimmy Carter
Richard Thomas as U.S. President Jimmy Carter
Ron Rifkin as Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
Khaled Nabawy as Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
HAllie Foote as Rosalynn Carter