Nu Puppis presents 'One In Four' by Levi Meerovich. This show is directed by Connor Scully and Mahlon Rauofi and stars Dixon Cashwell, Matt Mitchell, Rachel Hindman and Jess Rawls
Catch the show at Shopkeepers Gallery, Florida Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002. Sunday 7/9 at 3:15 PM, Tuesday 7/18 at 10:00 PM, Thursday 7/20 at 9:00 PM, Saturday 7/22 at 10:30 PM, Sunday 7/23 at 6:00 PM.
Tickets, Passes are available at or call 866-811-4111.One in Four is about four strangers who move in together and shortly come into conflict. This is natural. Each one is an alien and believes their other three roommates to be humans. This is somewhat less natural.
Nu Puppis is a performance arts collective that hopes to cultivate the kind of culture necessary for life in space; via performances on Earth.
This production is presented as a part of the 2017 Capital Fringe Festival, a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe.Videos