MusiComms, the leading organization dedicated to the future of music distribution, announced today that their inaugural event, MusiComms 2017, will take place on September 11, 2017 in Washington, D.C. at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. The event will focus on the future of music and new business models that blend technology innovation with next-gen customer experience applications.
"We are very excited to bring together leaders in customer experience from all industries to talk about the value of music. Together we will develop new pathways forward for distribution in an IoT world that benefit all stakeholders," said Juliet Shavit, Executive Director of MusiComms.
The event will cover such topics as:
MusiComms is a global initiative dedicated to collaboration between the music and communications industries with the goal of seeking out new opportunities for innovation and long-term sustainability and profitability of both markets. For more information about MusiComms and the event, visit
About MusiComms: MusiComms is an international consortium that brings together leadership from music and technology-driven industries to develop, innovate and implement new revenue models and marketing opportunities, with the ultimate goal of leveraging music to distinguish brand and fuel business opportunities. For more information, visit