LMP's 2013 Summer Youth Production, Seussical, tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing Whos, including Jojo, a Who child sent off to military school for thinking too many "thinks." Horton faces a double challenge--not only must he protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, but he must guard an abandoned egg, left to his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird. Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, kidnapping, and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community are challenged and emerge triumphant.
Produced by special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). Performances run weekends from Friday, July 26 through Saturday, August 17 with Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening performances at 8:00pm and Sunday matinees at 2:00pm.
Tickets are $18 for general admission. Admission for students (18 and under), active duty military and seniors (65 and over) is $15. Reservations will be accepted beginning July 15. For reservations, please call 301-617-9906.
For more information, visit www.laurelmillplayhouse.org.