Directed by Synetic's Founding Artistic Director Paata Tsikurishvili, Richard III will examine the collision of the physical and cyber worlds, and the destruction of human life as the world grows more automated and less personal.
What happens when technology obscures our own humanity and the humanity of those around us?
Highlighting the terrifying extremes made possible through the abuse of modern technology, the 14th installment in Paata Tsikurishvili's Wordless Shakespeare Series will explore King Richard III's rise to power in a movement-driven and action-packed display of stunning physicality and powerful visuals.
Tickets start at $35 and can be purchased online at or via phone at 866-811-4111.
Founded in 1996 by the husband and wife team of Paata and Irina Tsikurishvili, Synetic Theater is a center for American Physical Theater, fusing dynamic art forms-such as text, drama, movement, acrobatics, dance, and original music. Synetic has received more than 100 Helen Hayes Award nominations and over 30 Awards for directing, choreography, acting, costume design, and best play.
Address: 1800 S. Bell St., Arlington, VA 22202Metro: Crystal City (Blue / Yellow Lines)Parking: Free after 4pm on weekdays, Free all day on weekends.Box Office: 866.811.4111 or