Doorway Arts Ensemble presents Hercules in Russia, a World Premiere play by Allyson Currin, co-produced with Arts Alive Theatre Artistic Director, Perry T. Schwartz as part of the Arts Alive Theatre Series of Montgomery College Silver Spring. This production is suitable for all ages.
"In Hercules in Russia, award-winning playwright Allyson Currin crafts a memory play based on historical fact, weaving a poignant, complex and evocative tale of love and loyalty in the face of government oppression. Born into slavery in Alabama, Jim Hercules found a life of privilege as a Royal Guard to Tsar Nicholas II in Russia. Based on his true story, Currin’s play finds Jim at the royal court on the eve of the Russian Revolution. As the specter of violent change looms over his adopted country, Jim is forced to confront his own deadly past, weighing his love and loyalty for the royal family against his growing awareness of the cruel and oppressive world the tsarist system has created. This intimate tale, played out against the epic upheavals of the age, asks powerful and disturbing questions about the nature of courage versus the need to survive and the very nature of personal responsibility in the face of profound injustice.”
HERCULES IN RUSSIA is supported in part by funding from the Montgomery County government and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County.
Runs through March 4, 2012
Performances: Sunday Matinee 3/4/12 (closing) at 2pm
Special Events
Q&A follows performance featuring the dramaturg, director, playwright and actors.
TICKETS: $20 for general admission/$10 for students and seniors/$5 for MC Students, Faculty and Staff. Call 240-567-5775 or order online at (enter Hercules in Russia in the search engine. Click on the link under events). All performances opening weekend and special performances are Pay What You Can. Questions: DAE ADM: Call 301-530-4349. Visit for more information.
LOCATION: Theatre 2 Cultural Art Center Montgomery College Silver Spring
7995 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910
DIRECTIONS: Cultural Arts Center Montgomery College Silver Spring. Click on Map It.