Brave Spirits Theatre presents Arden of Faversham, a dark and funny Elizabethan true crime tragedy by unknown author(s), directed by Dan Crane and running tonight, April 2 - 18, 2015. Opening Night: Friday, April 3 at 8:00 pm. PayWhatYouCan Preview: Thursday, April 2 at 8:00 pm. Press Night: Saturday, April 4 at 8:00 pm.
Arden of Faversham, an Elizabethan true crime story, is a play wrapped in mystery. Which playwrights collaborated on the play? Which scenes, if any, did Shakespeare write? What inspired the play's creation almost forty years after the event it dramatizes? And why, since the script is so deliciously dark and funny, isn't it produced more? Come be the judge as housewife Alice Arden plots with her lover and two spectacularly incompetent hitmen to murder her husband.
The play is based on the true story of a sensational murder that took place in Faversham, in county Kent, England, in 1551. Probably first staged in the early 1590's, the play chronicles the conspiracy and repeated attempts to murder businessman Thomas Arden. Director Dan Crane (a Taffety Punk company member) has updated the events to modern England and has crafted a production that will be sexy, smart, dangerous, and full of dark humor. Leading the stellar cast are Victoria Reinsel (cofounder and Associate Artistic Director of Brave Spirits Theatre) as Alice Arden; Actors' Equity Member Robert
Leembruggen as her husband, Thomas Arden; and Willem Krumich (recently seen in Brave Spirits' repertory of A?Midsummer Night's Dream a?nd T?he Two Noble Kinsmen)?as her lover, Mosbie. Rounding out the ensemble are Ian Armstrong, Grant Cloyd, Nello DeBlasio, Curt Gavin, Rich Montgomery, Morgan Sendek, Samantha Sheahan, and Teresa Spencer.
WHO: Brave Spirits Theatre
WHAT: Arden of Faversham by unknown author(s)
WHERE: ATLAS Performing Arts Center, 1333 H Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
WHEN: April 2 - 18, 2015. Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8:00 pm. Saturday matinees at 2:00 pm.
TICKETS ($20):
Brave Spirits Theatre is dedicated to plays from the era of verse and violence which contrast the baseness of humanity with the elegance of poetry. By staging dark, visceral, intimate productions of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, we strive to tear down the perception of these plays as proper and intellectual and instead use them to explore the boundaries of acceptable human behavior.