Associated Chamber Music Players (ACMP) presents its sixth annual Worldwide Play-In Weekend on March 3 & 4, 2018. Musicians around the globe are planning events that bring together chamber music players to experience the joy of playing chamber music. For more information and a list of events that are open to all, visit:
2018 Play-Ins are being planned around the world - some highlights in the U.S. include Manhattan, Queens, and Rochester, NY; Mystic, CT; San Diego, CA; Boulder and Denver, CO; West Newton, MA; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, DC; among others.
Sunday, March 4. 2pm
Adult Chamber Music Play-in Party & Pre-Party talk with James Buswell
Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture. 7300 MacArthur Blvd.Glen Echo, MD, Next to Adventure Theatre
RSVP required (first-come) by March 1 to:
A play-in is an event where musicians gather together to play and share music composed for small ensembles. Play-ins can be large or small, public or private. Play-ins are not performances, but a chance to bring musicians together, often meeting for the first time, to share in the mutual love of chamber music playing. Connections are made, friendships are formed, and players who meet at play-in events often go on to play music together throughout the year. The ACMP Worldwide Play-In weekend is a series of local events on a global scale.
Each year since the first Worldwide Play-In Weekend in 2013, more than 100 play-ins have taken place, involving thousands of chamber music players of all ages, backgrounds and levels. The 2017 Play-In included a Play-In in Shanghai, China, brought musicians from 6 countries together to play music by Mozart, Clara Schumann, and Debussy; in Sweden, the Heisenberg Quartet took their skis and instruments in a ski lift to a remote mountain cabin for a weekend of skiing and playing; in Massachusetts, more than 500 players participated in Play-Ins, including a Sight Reading Potluck Party at Wellesley College, Cambridge; in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Exeter String Quartet hosted a Play-In for winds and strings, playing works by Dvorak, Holst, Chausson, Britten, and Beethoven; a dozen Play-Ins in New York State included a French horn play-In in Trumansburg, NY, an annual Play-In at Cherry Ridge Senior Community, Rochester, NY, and several musical gatherings in NYC, among many others.
ACMP - Associated Chamber Music Players
The mission of ACMP - Associated Chamber Music Players - is to stimulate and expand the playing of chamber music for pleasure among musicians worldwide, of all backgrounds, ages and skill levels, by connecting people and supporting chamber music activities and education opportunities.
Since the organization began 70 years ago, ACMP has helped chamber music players find one another to share and play music together. More than 2,500 members come from every part of the world and share the love of making music with others.
In the 1990s, the ACMP Foundation was created, contributing more than four million dollars to support chamber music education and engagement programs for adult amateur players and community-based chamber music education programs for young musicians and others.