5th Wall Theatre's Artistic Director Carol Piersol has announced the next show in their 2019-2020 season, Tennessee Williams' classic The Glass Menagerie. The Glass Menagerie tells the story of Amanda Wingfield, a faded remnant of Southern gentility who now lives in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura, who has a physical handicap and debilitating shyness. When Amanda convinces Tom to bring home from his workplace a "gentleman caller" for Laura, the illusions that the family have created in order to make life bearable collapse around them. A drama of great tenderness, charm, and beauty, The Glass Menagerie is an icon of the American theater and was the recipient of the award for Best New Play from the New York Drama Critic's Circle.
Opening January 17th, the Richmond production will be directed by Morrie Piersol. The ensemble cast includes Lian-Marie Holmes as Amanda Wingfield, Matt Bloch as Tom Wingfield, Louise Keeton as Laura Wingfield, and Cooper Sved as Jim O'Connor, the gentleman caller. It is manned by a talented local stage crew, and features scenic design by Tennessee Dixon, lighting design by Michael Jarrett, sound design by Ryan Dygert, and costume design by Kymm Mincks. Production stage management will be performed by Meredith Franklin, with properties management provided by Pam Connolly.
The Glass Menagerie begins January 17th, 2020 and runs through February 8th, 2020. A Special Community Night Performance will be held on February 4th, 2020. All performances are at The Basement, 300 East Broad Street, Richmond VA. Tickets are available at www.5thwalltheatre.org.