Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, the third and final installment of Neil Simon's acclaimed autobiographical trilogy finds Eugene Jerome and his older brother Stanley trying to break into the world of show business. While coping with their parents' crumbling marriage, the boys pursue their dream of becoming famous comedy writers by drawing from their surroundings to create a sketch about family antics. When their material is broadcast on the radio for the first time, their family is upset to hear a thinly-veiled portrait of themselves played for laughs...and they are not alone. This warm, gently humorous play is a welcome treat for the Holidays.
The 1st Stage production of Broadway Bound by Neil Simon features Scott Ward Abernethy, Kathleen Akerley, Andy Brownstein, Teresa Castracane, Noah Schaefer, and Stan Shulman. Shirley Serotsky directs the production for 1st Stage.
The design team includes: scenic design by Jonathan Dahm Robertson, costume design by Robert Croghan, lighting design by Brittany Shemuga, sound design by Jeffrey Dorfman, properties design by Deb Crerie and Kay Rzasa, and dialects by Jane Margulies Kalbfeld.
Broadway Bound will run at 1st Stage from November 10-Decemer 18 with show times as follows: Thursdays at 7:30pm, Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 2pm and 8pm, and Sundays at 2pm. There will be no performance on Thursday, November 24, 2016 (Thanksgiving Day).
General admission tickets are $30. Senior (65+) tickets are $27. Student and military tickets are $15.
4- Play Subscriptions and Flex Passes are available for savings of up to 30% off regular price tickets. Tickets, Subscriptions, and Flex Passes can be purchased online at or by calling the 1st Stage box office at 703-854-1856.
The run time is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes with one 15-minute intermission.
Broadway Bound is the second play in 1st Stage's ninth season. Following Broadway Bound will be Trevor by Nick Jones, Directed by Alex Levy (February 2-26), Well by Lisa Kron, Directed by Michael Bloom (March 23-April 23), and Ma Rainey's Black Bottom by August Wilson, Directed by Deidra LaWan Starnes (June 1-25). This season, 1st Stage is introducing the first ever Solo Festival to the DC region. Join us from July 6-16, 2017 for a festival of some of this country's most celebrated solo performances.