Award-winning actor, playwright and two-time cancer survivor Valerie David is debuting her critically acclaimed, comical one-woman show in the One & Only Series presented by MOXIE Productions at the Grange Hall Cultural Center in Waterbury Center, Vermont. The Pink Hulk: One Woman's Journey to Find the Superhero Within is about Ms. David becoming a two-time cancer survivor, and how she beat the odds by finding her inner super powers.
Ms. David wrote The Pink Hulk after being diagnosed with cancer not once, but twice-"hulking out" to conquer it both times! This solo play is a celebration of being comfortable in one's own skin, of embracing and accepting one's own body-no matter the shape or size. Ms. David took back the confidence she lost in her sexuality and femininity when diagnosed with breast cancer after having beaten lymphoma 15 years earlier. Her comical take on a very real and scary subject matter is sure to have audience members laughing out loud, to capture their emotions, and to inspire them to find their own inner superheroes to help them beat whatever challenges in life that come their way.
"My show is not just about fighting cancer; it has a universal message of fighting back from any adversity in life with its inspirational message of hope and empowerment," Ms. David said.
This sexy, adventurous solo show follows Valerie's journey to seek her own "hulk-like" strength to find her superhero within. An empowering and true story of inspiration! With plenty of humor- guaranteed!
Ms. David has been performing and touring the U.S. and Europe, as The Pink Hulk has been accepted into 25 different play festivals in 2 years' time winning many awards along the way, and she is thrilled to be premiering it in Vermont in February. The Pink Hulk was the recipient of Sweden's Gothenburg Fringe's WOW Award-the first time Ms. David introduced her show to an international audience. And most recently was a finalist in the New York New Works Festival.
The professional playwright and actor has received rave reviews, including one from DC Metro Theater Arts: "There is clearly nothing about Valerie that isn't exceptional. The Pink Hulk is a triumph of the one-woman show format. You can't get much better than this."
The Pink Hulk: One Woman's Journey to Find the Superhero Within
Written and Performed by Valerie David
Directed by Padraic Lillis
Friday, February 8 @ 7:30pm
Saturday, February 9 @ 7:30pm
Sunday, February 10 @ 1 pm-Talkback to follow
Grange Hall Cultural Center
317 Howard Avenue
Waterbury Center, Vermont 05677
Pink Hulk Tickets:
$15 at the door, or online @
After her performance: Sunday, February 10 @ 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Valerie David will also conduct a writing workshop for the public entitled, "Master Personal Storytelling and Create Your Own Work." Especially designed to create your own memoir or personal story, Ms. David will provide tools to create your own unique narrative. Get ready for the magic of pen to paper and awaken the writer within! $30 at the door or online @
Please be advised that this show has some adult language and themes.
For more info and to book The Pink Hulk, visit
For awards/accolades info, visit Media Kit:
Valerie David (Writer/Performer), a graduate of James Madison University and The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Manhattan, has been touring the United States and Europe performing The Pink Hulk in multiple festivals and special engagements. Ms. David wrote the autobiographical comedic drama The Pink Hulk to express the empowerment she felt being able to find humor and superhero inner strength going through two bouts of cancer-first Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and then breast cancer 15 years later. She raises money through The Pink Hulk performances for domestic and international cancer organizations. Ms. David's solo show is directed by award-winning director Padraic Lillis. Photo courtesy of Dixie Thamrin Photography