The event is streaming now through January 2021.
Celebrate this beautiful time of year with Lost Nation Theater's STORIES FOR THE SEASON - GONE VIRTUAL! Now through January 2021.
'Gathering' online now, many of your favorite Lost Nation Theater artists step into Lost Nation Theater's chamber theater within Montpelier City Hall Arts Center to present dramatic readings
of stories, poems, & song from around the world. The return of the light and the peaceful magic of this winter season is heralded in tales from a host of different traditions.
In this year's Stories of the Season (Goes Virtual) you'll hear local writers like Dvora Zipkin alongside Native American, Pagan, Jewish, Christian, and African legends, poems, and myths!
The evening is made possible by these fabulous performers! Including some of your very favorite Lost Nation Theater stars!
We're overjoyed that our alumni cast of It's A Wonderful Life: Kim Allen Bent (Pride & Prejudice), Cher Laston (Our Town), Maura O'Brien (Becoming Dr Ruth), and Kim Ward (Disappearances) are taking part. You'll hear stories from Artistic Directors Kathleen Keenan, Kim Bent, and more members of LNT.
Adhering to Covid-19 guidelines, artists recorded their stories individually, in spread out recording sessions. Each week another story will "drop" online. Keep checking back. We were determined to bring our 3rd annual "Stories" to you one way or another!
Much humor and wit, tenderness and wisdom will be peppered through this entire series, which is fun for the whole family. As LNT costume designer Cora Fauser says, "Maybe we never quite grow up, we never seem to grow weary of being read to."
Stories for the Season is directed and curated by Kathleen Keenan, with lighting design by Samuel Biondolillo and an intimate yule-inspired scenic design by Kim Allen Bent.
Join LNT online to hear A Gift of Light, The Sun Egg, The Snow Children, Hereshel & Hanukkah, Through the Mickle Wood, A Gift of the Magi, How Gluskobi Brought the Summer, and more classic or just discovered tales. (And of course, Willem Lange reading of A Christmas Carol is also available for a short time longer!)
It's online at and it is Free! (Tho' donations are gratefully accepted.)
Although, Lost Nation Theater remains officially temporarily closed due to the pandemic, we are grateful to all who are making this programming possible with their donations of time & talent. And tho' much is unclear, LNT is determined to bring more theater and theater education programs to you in 2021. If you are able, please consider purchasing a gift certificate, or making a donation while you are on the website!
Lost Nation Theater: winner "Theater of the Year" - Broadway World, 2019 "Best in New England"- Yankee Magazine, and named One of the Best Regional Theaters in America by NYC Drama League is Sponsored by Capitol Copy, City of Montpelier, Eternity, National Life Group, Vermont Mutual Insurance, The Estate of Ted Richards, The Mary Shriver Fund, and The World.
The show is recommended for ages 5+.
For more information and to experience "Stories of the Season Goes Virtual 2020" visit