Spruce Peak Arts Off Stage programming is taking one socially-distanced step closer to live performance without the brick and mortar theatre. As designated downtowns are carefully coming alive with the welcoming breeze of Summer air to Vermont, the Arts Center is turning off the computer screen and taking local musicians to the streets.
"We are constantly looking to find new ways to connect and create community through the performing arts... On the first day of Summer -Saturday, June 20- we are kicking off the Drive by Concert Series to celebrate and enjoy new ways of bringing people together." - Hope Sullivan, Executive Director of Spruce Peak Arts
In partnership with the Town of Morrisville and Community Development Coordinator Tricia Follert, a route is being carefully planned through the residential neighborhoods of Morrisville with the intent to make this Drive by Concert a more personal experience than those we have enjoyed in a live-streaming format over the Winter and Spring months. They are hoping to provide an end point on the route where people may enjoy music in their cars in a tailgate-style distanced format.
"We are excited to bring live music to our community again! It will be a fabulous show and we encourage you to sit on your steps and enjoy the music." - Tricia Follert.
The first Drive by Concert will take place on Saturday, June 20 from 7:00pm-8:30pm featuring local favorite Chad Hollister. The route will be announced in advance so that residents can be prepared on their front steps to watch as the concert passes!
This series is made possible through the support of Bourne's Energy, who are generously donating a flatbed truck and generator. Other locations in the planning stages are Waterbury Center on June 27, and one is in the works for the Hyde Park - Johnson area.
Spruce Peak Arts is actively seeking additional support for artist fees, marketing, and overhead costs. Please contact Hope Sullivan at hsullivan@sprucepeakarts.org if interested in becoming a sponsor or bringing the Drive by Concert Series to your town.