Barre Opera House will remain closed through the end of the year due to the health crisis, Seven Days reports.
Tickets for the 2020-21 season were expected to go on sale in August.
Capital campaign chair Bob Pope said that facility improvements slated to begin in summer 2021 are now able to take place due to the closure. Improvements include replacing the rigging system, renovating orchestra-level seating and repainting the interior.
"While we still have to raise the final portion of funding, if we're able to complete all the work now, this will eliminate the need to close the theater later," Pope said.
When asked what the community can do to help the company, Casey said, "Support comes in the way of buying tickets, buying memberships; businesses can help out by sponsoring shows. We're still trying to raise money for the capital campaign [to fund facility improvements] so donations toward that would be immensely helpful."
Read more on Seven Days.