Psychopathy Jauja is a hilarious and smart comedy about the process of transfer and psychological screening that usually occur between patients and psychiatrists. Who unsettles who? Three patients with various personality disorders consult a psychiatrist who may end up going crazy. Sometimes we think that our problems have no solution... so here we give you a solution: Riete them a comedy as to not stop laughing from the start the work.!
He debuted in Microteatro format in August 2014 in Caracas with a resounding success where exhausted almost all of their presentations and more than five thousand people saw it in six weeks of the season.
The work has a cast of four renowned theatrical performers such as Nattalie Cortez, Liliana Meléndez, Sandra Villanueva and Shaiara Pineau. Written by Julie Grandy (recognized writer and actress Cuban girl living in Miami) directed by the actress Marialejandra Martin. Produced by Nohely Arteaga and Catherina Cardozo. With the assistance from Dirección Gabriel Blanco.