The successful work of Theatre: Orgasms record-breaking audience and functions throughout Venezuela returns to the tables. With a new, fresh, controversial, spicy and uncensored country and opens in a new theatrical genre proposal: the reality fiction.
The popular Venezuelan actress Norkys Batista is raised for the first time scene with a witty man show entitled Orgasms. This is a text by Carlos Castillo, who has experienced Dairo Piñeres address. The model and actor Xavier Muñoz shared scene with the actress. Among anecdotes, confessions, music and dance, Norkys tour the history of human pleasure, both male and female; from the Stone Age to the era of viagra and Sex and the City. According. Because orgasm still is a source of myths, debates, ignorance, confusion; for some it is a short burst of nerve impulses, others more or know him. For the design of your text, Castillo made ??a detailed investigation, which included various sources, including the book The intimate story of orgasm, Jonathan Margolis and inspiration of the hit series Sex and the City. "Orgasm is an entertaining book that will make us aware of the sexual reality in which we live, and help us to better meet our parejas.Un show for lovers, love, love for lovers and couples who wanted to know everything about Orgasm but were afraid to ask.