seaMAN is a nautical revenge comedy that follows Captain Sea MAN on a chaotic 30-minute scenic boat tour gone awry. As he battles the ocean and confronts bizarre adversaries, the narrative balances outrageous physical humor with darker themes surrounding the sailor's unresolved issues. Written and performed by Amica Hunter and Bruce Ryan Costella, both experienced fringe festival artists, this unique production showcases a blend of humor and poignant storytelling enhanced by innovative props and sight gags. Audiences can expect an adventure filled with clever dialogue and absurdities that challenge both the sea and the human ego.
That's gay! comedy - AMATEUR NIGHT
Little Mountain Gallery (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
Queen Elizabeth Theatre (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
Sinners by Norm Foster
Metro Theatre (1/24 - 2/15) | ||
DanceHouse and The Cultch present Circa’s Duck Pond
DanceHouse and The Cultch present Circa’s Duck Pond (1/22 - 1/25) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Mount Baker Theatre [Main Stage] (2/4 - 2/4) | ||
Behind the Moon
Belfry Theatre (2/4 - 3/2) | ||
Just For Laughs - Best of the West presents: That's gay! comedy
Little Mountain Gallery (2/21 - 2/21) | ||
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