Your personal ads, set to music. Join a cast of wild and wacky characters from the Craigslist community as they attempt to buy and sell online, all the while longing and searching for human connection.Revisit one of the most popular and critically acclaimed shows to come out of Vancouver in the last decade! This time with a fresh, new perspective on social isolation and live-streamed from all around The Cultchs Historic Theatreresulting in a witty and poignant exploration of physical distancing, then and now. Featuring the original songs 300 Stuffed Penguins, Chili Eating Buddy, Decapitated Dolls, and more.Starring an incredibly talented local cast including, Meaghan Chenosky, Josh Epstein, Chirag Naik, Amanda Sum, Andrew Wheelerwith new choreography by Amanda Testini.
DanceHouse announces 2024/25 season
DanceHouse (10/1 - 4/30) | ||
Ex Animo
Kelowna Community Theatre (2/14 - 2/15) | ||
The Lion King
Queen Elizabeth Theatre (8/20 - 9/14) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Mount Baker Theatre [Main Stage] (2/4 - 2/4) | ||
A Doll's House, Part 2
Pacific Theatre (2/5 - 2/23) | ||
Just For Laughs - Best of the West presents: That's gay! comedy
Little Mountain Gallery (2/21 - 2/21) | ||
Concacaf Champions Cup Round 1 Cavalry FC v Pumas Unam
Starlight Stadium (2/6 - 2/6) | ||
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