Spring Awakening is a Tony Award-winning musical that follows a group of late nineteenth century German students on their passage to adulthood. The musical, written by Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater, is a powerful exploration of teenage self-discovery and coming-of-age anxiety, featuring a pop rock score that is both electrifying and unforgettable. The story revolves around two young lovers, Melchior and Wendla, as they navigate the challenges of adolescence in a world where the adults hold all the power.
Renegade Arts Co has been producing musical theatre in Vancouver since 2016. Past shows include HAiR, Tommy, Rent, Rock of Ages, and Once.
Year | Category | |
2007 | Best Musical | Winner |
2016 | Best Revival of a Musical |
That's gay! comedy - AMATEUR NIGHT
Little Mountain Gallery (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
Sinners by Norm Foster
Metro Theatre (1/24 - 2/15) | ||
The Lion King
Queen Elizabeth Theatre (8/20 - 9/14) | ||
DanceHouse and The Cultch present Circa’s Duck Pond
DanceHouse and The Cultch present Circa’s Duck Pond (1/22 - 1/25) | ||
We learned a lot at our own funeral
Scotiabank Dance Centre (2/6 - 2/8) | ||
Queen Elizabeth Theatre (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
Cinderella: A Traditional British Pantomime
Metro Theatre (12/13 - 1/5) | ||
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