Otherwise Productions presents Wolf at the Door by Tina Teeninga and directed by Kerri Norris, running today, August 7-17, 2013, at Pacific Theatre. A family is only as strong as the choices they make to stay together.
The Grenfells, peaceful artisan weavers living in Yorkshire, England, supply their neighbours and community with beautiful, quality garments. Enter the Industrial Revolution, an idealistic factory heir and a cousin with dangerous notions, and each Grenfell must decide: will it be what they know, or a new way forward.
Harriet, all fists and fight, leads the charge. Sarah has her own plan and she's not waiting for her father's go ahead. And Susanna, as wife and mother, is torn between loyalty to her husband and a desire for justice. Times are changing, and in the Grenfell household, the women are making up their minds. The question is, can Matthias adapt and build a new world, or will he go down in the fight?
Director Kerri Norris (Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe, Pacific Theatre) leads an amazing cast: Byron Noble (How to Write a New Book for the Bible, Pacific Theatre), Rebecca deBoer (One Hundred Saints You Should Know, Pacific Theatre), Kyla Ferrier (Godspell, Pacific Theatre), Kirsty Provan (The Great Divorce, Pacific Theatre), Tim Bratton (Godspell, Pacific Theatre), Adam Weidl (Dracula: the Musical, Awkward Stage Productions), Lori Kokotailo (The Hungry Season, Pacific Theatre), Tina Teeninga (Saddest Girl in the World, Otherwise Productions) and the Artistic Team: Carmen Lee (Stage Manager), Kaitlin Williams (Costume Design), Phil Miguel (Props and Lighting Design), and Molly Lai (Set Design) in the world premiere of a new Canadian play.
Wolf at the Door runs today, August 7-17, 2013 at Pacific Theatre, 1440 West 12th Ave., Vancouver, BC. All performances begin at 8pm. August 7 is a Preview Performance. Advance tickets for First Week (Aug. 8-10) $10 / General Admission $15. 2-for-1 Preview Performance (August 7). Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/382091. More info: http://otherwiseproductions.ca/.