Waiting in the Wings - a collection of short playsDirected by Maurice Thorogood and Produced by Julia HaythornRare Fortune Productions are delighted to be returning once more to the OSO after their post-lockdown production of Brief Encounters. This time their collection of short plays, presented to a socially-distanced audience, is all about waiting in one way or another - something that seems very appropriate as we all become used to waiting for a return to normality.The plays are all performed and written by members of the professional Actors and Writers London group and provide short insights into all kinds of waiting - for the right time, the right person or the right decision.A combination of comic situations and serious dilemmas, they explore what can happen in the space that opens up as we wait. The waiting is over, the actors are ready and the lights are dimming - welcome to the showBook with confidence. If your performance is cancelled or COVID-19 regulations prevent you from attending, we will offer you a full refund.