The renowned short story by Anton Chekhov returns to the UK stage and is transported to Jazz Age Britain in a full-length bittersweet romantic comedy. Described by Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov as ‘one of the greatest stories ever written’, this adaptation by Mark Giesser is reimagined in a dazzling art-deco aesthetic with the affluent middle-class characters fully fleshed out merging imaginary conversations with reality to reveal more about their anxieties and desires. With new choreography and movement by Xena Gusthart (The Bodyguard, Bat out of Hell) the production transcends the relevancy of three eras of time: 19th century Moscow and Yalta where the source material is set, 1920s Britain, and the present day that the story is a parable for
Jonny and The Baptists: The Happiness Index
Trades Club (3/2 - 3/2) | ||
Walk Right Back
Corn Exchange (2/13 - 2/13) | ||
Live Forever – The Rise of Oasis
Congress Theatre (1/7 - 1/7) | ||
Back In The Day
New Theatre (2/19 - 2/19) | ||
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Victoria Hall (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
Festive Afternoon Tea
Old Royal Naval College (12/3 - 12/23) | ||
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