In the backdrop of an unnamed, impassive mental institution, three patients are plagued by their pasts and conflicting desires to live the life they can or escape the institution at any cost. Under the ever-watchful eye of the Doctors who supposedly treat them for their illnesses, the true reality of the institution is unveiled as the Doctors’ own sanities are called into question.
Reflecting on the abhorrent treatment of patients that has happened in asylums throughout history, this play will take you on a stylised and visceral exploration into the thoughts and deepest secrets of the so-called ‘clinically insane’.
The Em Show (12/3/24-12/6/24)
The Courtyard Theatre is at Bowling Green Walk 40 Pitfield Street, London.
The Em Show (12/3/24-12/6/24)
Kai Bosch (11/22/24-11/22/24)
Beau Bowen (11/16/24-11/16/24)
St. Lundi (11/15/24-11/15/24)
Vincent Lima (10/29/24-10/29/24)
Kidults! The Musical (10/29/24-11/2/24)
OSKA (10/26/24-10/26/24)
modernlove. (10/17/24-10/17/24)
Alex Spencer (10/12/24-10/12/24)
AdyB (10/4/24-10/4/24)
The Intrusion
Mercury Theatre (3/11 - 3/12) | ||
Kim's Convenience
Oxford Playhouse (5/12 - 5/17) | ||
The Three Musketeers - touring theatre - Torquay Royal Lyceum
Royal Lyceum Theatre (1/17 - 1/17) | ||
Walk Right Back
Royal Spa Centre (2/12 - 2/12) | ||
Kim's Convenience
Brighton Dome (4/3 - 4/5) | ||
NYMT Acting and Musical Theatre Workshop Day
CAPA college (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
Road Show
Upstairs at the Gatehouse (12/12 - 1/12) | ||
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