Coinciding with Valentine's Day, Birmingham based Women & Theatre present 'Loving Me', a brand new piece of musical theatre created with Looked After Young People. In partnership with Birmingham Hippodrome, Service Birmingham, the REP and LACES (Looked After Children Education Service), a group of young people have worked together to devise an extraordinary piece of theatre on the theme of love.
The performance will include interaction with the audience, and a post-performance discussion with the participants/artistic team. Today, 14 February this discussion will be chaired by Birmingham playwright David Edgar who presented his acclaimed adaptation of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby at Birmingham Hippodrome in 2007.
Performance: Patrick Centre, Birmingham Hippodrome, tonight 14 February and Friday 15 February at 7.00pm. Tickets available from Birmingham Hippodrome on 0844 338 5000. Prices: £8.00/£5.00 (disc.)