Directed by Bryan Hodgson and Michael McManus, the event runs Tuesday 24th August – Saturday 28th August 2021.
The White Bear Theatre in Kennington presents a summer double bill of plays by Michael McManus, the writer of West End smash hit 'Maggie & Ted', and by celebrated stand-up comedian, writer, actor and broadcaster Charlie Ross MacKenzie.
Directed by Bryan Hodgson and Michael McManus, the event runs Tuesday 24th August - Saturday 28th August 2021.
GAY GENERATIONS takes a look at life, love and loss, for gay men from different generations, and is being staged to support actors and new writing.
There will also be a Celebrity Fundraising Gala Night on Friday 27th August at 7:00pm with Special Guest of Honour Peter Tatchell, who will take part in a post-show Q&A alongside the writers and directors of the two plays. The fundraising will ensure the actors are paid fairly for their work, and the evening will include a drinks reception and a free raffle with some knockout special prizes.
GAY GENERATIONS portrays the differences of perspective, the insecurities and the simple misunderstandings - sometimes heart-breaking, usually hilarious - between gay men who grew up in different eras.
Tickets are available now, via this link: