Wandsworth Council's Arts and Culture Strategy 2021-2031 is now open for public consultation, and residents are being encouraged to have their say.
A new draft Arts and Culture Strategy has been published by Wandsworth Council, representing the council's commitment to a long-term creative vision for the Borough.
Wandsworth's proposed strategy aims to embed arts and culture at the heart of council's work, promoting the Borough's cultural life over the next ten years. Supporting and developing the artists, creatives and audiences both of today and of tomorrow, this Arts and Culture Strategy sets out the draft key principles and aims for the sector between 2021-2031.
These principles include:
· Place-shaping
· Economic Growth
· Communities and Partnerships
· Learning and Education
· Health and Wellbeing
· Access for all
· Sustainability
Working collaboratively with local partners, Wandsworth Council aims to ensure a thriving arts and cultural offer that benefits not only individuals, but also families and wider communities, as well as contributing to the vitality of the Borough's neighbourhoods and town centres.
Wandsworth Council's arts and culture spokesman Cllr Steffi Sutters said:
"I'm grateful to all the artists, performers and venues that make living in Wandsworth such a rich experience, and I'm also proud of the way the council's arts team has helped the sector through the last few difficult months. This new strategy is a bold and ambitious plan that's all about putting culture at the heart of the borough and meeting the needs of local people and communities.
Our priority is to continue to support this creative community, which will in turn help improve the lives of our residents, support the economic growth of the Borough, promote routes into local creative jobs, and develop thriving cultural local neighbourhoods.
Working in partnership across the cultural and creative sector, this strategy ensures that Arts and Culture is part of all residents' lives, no matter their age: for enjoyment, wellbeing and to develop new skills or discover new talents.
This ten-year vision aims to ensure that the cultural sector can be rebuilt and continue to flourish within the Borough, working hyperlocally to support and inspire local people will enable us to bring this exciting vision to life."
Wandsworth Council's Arts and Culture Strategy 2021-2031 is now open for public consultation, and residents are being encouraged to have their say. The draft strategy is available to read and feedback on here: http://bit.ly/wandsworthartsstrategy.