British fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood was at the Rose Theatre this week, watching Stephen Unwin's production of William Shakespeare's As You Like It.
Vivienne, who is a supporter of the Rose posted a review on her website in which she said: "As always, it is such a thrilling experience to go to the Rose Theatre in Kingston. Last night we saw As You Like It which was enchanting. Good and bad characters who become good are banished to the forest and there is every kind of relationship and philosophy. You can see how the film with Marilyn Monroe Some Like It Hot is modelled on the cross-dressing". As You Like It plays at the Rose until Saturday 26 March. Tickets are still available, priced £8 - £28.50 and can be booked by calling 0871 230 1552 or online at rosetheatrekingston.orgThe cast includes David Sturzaker as Orlando, Georgina Rich as Rosalind, Michael Feast as Touchstone and Adrian Lukis as Jaques.Videos