In this highly interactive improv comedy show, hosted by the witless 'Toby Vanilla' and set in a chaotic TV studio, the audience get to choose which magical creatures go under the journalistic microscope.
The show features a coven of UK comedy veterans who have been in movies, television series and the West End. They include Dan Starkey (Doctor Who, Inside No. 9), Amy Cooke-Hodgson (Austentatious), Susan Harrison (Showstopper! The Musical, Class Dismissed) and Chris Gau (Channel 5's The Borderline).
Between them the work they've been in has collected two BAFTAs, an Olivier Award and a Chortle Comedy Award, and they're coming together to perform two shows in two days at the VAULT Festival 2019.
After a secret preview to a sold-out crowd at the Hoopla Impro Festival 2018, How To Date A Magical Creature will officially premiere at the VAULT Festival in February 2019. This will then be followed by an extensive UK tour that will peak with a final round of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2019.
Audiences can expect to laugh non-stop as they decide on the guests to be interviewed by Toby Vanilla, to the accompaniment of a live house pianist. Imagine if all the magical creatures were lining up to be interviewed by someone with the style of Jonathan Ross (but who can pronounce his Rs) and the panache of Graham Norton, and you can perfectly picture the format for How To Date A Magical Creature.
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