From 9th March, AAPTLE will be sharing freelancers' photographs of venues in the days ahead of the closure and throughout the last year.
The Alliance of Associations and Professionals in Theatre & Live Events (AAPTLE), which represents theatre workers across all disciplines in the UK, advocating for a better, more sustainable and fairer future for them and the improvement of the industry as a whole, today announce the campaign Not Here All Year - marking the anniversary of theatres closing their doors as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
From 9th March, AAPTLE will be sharing freelancers' photographs of venues in the days ahead of the closure and throughout the last year, highlighting the loss of work over the year, and to celebrate the industry, looking forward to when venues are able to reopen. Photographs will be shared on Instagram with the #NotHereAllYear, with those across the industry encouraged to take part.
Johanna Town and Dominic Bilkey, Chairs of the Association of Lighting Designers and the Association of Sound Designers respectively, said today, "It has been an extraordinarily tough year for theatre and live events professionals. The #NotHereAllYear campaign will celebrate the resilience and determination of theatre makers. It aims to highlight the fact that, although many of us have not worked for 12 months and counting, we want to get back to making theatre at the earliest opportunity. Our hope is that together we can collectively change the landscape for the better."
As an organisation, AAPTLE are supporting and campaigning on a range of issues affecting the theatre and live entertainment workforce and the industry more widely. Current areas of focus include Covid-19, Brexit, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, education and outreach, unions and lobbying, and the future of freelancers. The latter was the focus of The Alliance's previously Back to Work campaign, in which it issued an open letter asking for a commitment from producers and theatre companies to maintain pre-Covid rates for freelancers upon the return to work.
The Alliance of Associations and Professionals in Theatre & Live Events includes representatives who work in all aspects of the theatrical and events community including more than two hundred thousand creative and production practitioners.
Alliance Members include Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT), Association of Lighting Designers (ALD), Association of Scenic Artists and Makers (ASAM), Association of Sound Designers (ASD), Backstage Niche, Costume in Theatre Entertainment and Arts (CITEA), Freelancers Make Theatre Work, i:Opera, Movement Directors' Association (MDA), Personal Managers'Association (PMA), Production Managers' Forum (PMF), Society of British Theatre Designers (SBTD), SCENE/CHANGE, Stage Directors UK (SDUK), The Sustainability in Production Alliance (SIPA), Stage Management Association (SMA), Stage Sight and Video Code.