A beloved fairy-tale and Academy Award-winning movie, The Red Shoes has seduced audiences and inspired generations of dancers with its tale of obsession, possession and one girl's dream to be the greatest dancer in the world. Victoria Page lives to dance but her ambitions become a battleground between the two men who inspire her passion.
Matthew Bourne's magical new adaptation of the legendary Powell and Pressburger film reunites him with his regular collaborators and New Adventures Associate Artists and the team that created the world wide hit, Sleeping Beauty including designer Lez Brotherston who created the staging for Show Boat at the Crucible.
An intoxicating drama where life imitates art with fateful consequences; The Red Shoes will dazzle your senses and break your heart.
Matthew Bourne's The Red Shoes comes to the Lyceum Theatre from Tuesday 30 May - Saturday 3 June. Tickets can be purchased from Sheffield Theatres' Box Office in-person, by phone on 0114 249 6000 or online at sheffieldtheatres.co.uk and are priced from £18.00. Concessions and group discounts are available.