Songs and speeches from Shakespeare's plays, with wit, wisdom and silliness in between.
There are many songs in the plays of William Shakespeare - the lyrics have survived, but the melodies are lost to time. Jason Feddy has written fresh, modern tunes for 10 of The Bard's greatest hits!
Performed with his energetic acoustic guitar (and a voice, frankly of an angel-who-smokes-a lot), Shakespeare's words truly come to life for today's audience. Presented alongside speeches from The Canon - some iconic, some lesser-known treasures - delivered by Jason's wife, actor Ava Burton and a gang of their actor friends.
Brits Burton and Feddy worked together as presenters on their local radio station for 5 years and devised the show for their own entertainment in their culture starved California home. Jason Feddy is a professional singer songwriter and troubadour who has appeared on tours with John Martyn, Tears For Fears, Neil Young, Neil Finn and many more. His numerous albums, theater productions, regular streaming shows and his album of songs from The Plays are critically acclaimed and loved by many.
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