Something Underground Theatre Company presents Pulling Up The Drawbridge, written and performed by David Stephens and directed by Jonathan Brown at Exeter Street Hall, Brighton from today 2 - 30 May as part of Brighton Fringe 2015.
Whether you're xenophobic or arachnophobic, you're going to recognise the plight of besieged "true Englishman" George in "Pulling Up The Drawbridge" in this year's Brighton Fringe. Written and performed by David Stephens and directed by award-winning Jonathan Brown, this darkly comic satire casts a sideways glance at those who see "the defence of the realm" as their raison d'etre.
Says writer performer David, "Satire is always in danger in being aligned with those you satirise, and we've already nearly been appropriated by a very slightly purple-attired, frothy-mouthed audience member in West Sussex who excitedly thought the show was practically a UKIP manifesto, when it's really quite the opposite!"
And yet, there's a serious question within the show too, about what it means to be English, how we value language to express what is important to us, and how does a lonely Englishman find his real roots if they've been buried under the concrete ramparts of Cool Britannia?
Says the blurb on the box, "The fear of losing what it means to be English has driven George to the edge, literally, and from his cliff-top tent he is going to defend his island against whoever or whatever may be coming. Everyone else was too busy watching telly."
David is an actor and storyteller from Worthing and this will be his first appearance at the Fringe in a self penned one-man show. Directed by award-winner Jonathan Brown, (The Last Lunch, Smoking Ban, Betsy: Wisdom of a Whore, The Silent Stream, The Well, Licence, Large Print Trash, Iron John).
Something Underground have a habit of creating award-winners within the Brighton Fringe, including: Best New Play 2012, Best Male Performer 2013, Best Female Performer 2014, Best Male Performer nominee 2007, Best Female Performer nominee 2013, Best New Play shortlisting 2013. Says Artistic Director, Jonathan Brown, "We're excited this year to be premiering no less than three excellent new plays, two by new writer/performers for SUTC, and one by myself. David's work is brilliant, his timing and humour a treat to behold. We're also excited to be showing at the community-shares purchased hidden gem, Exeter Street Hall in Brighton."
For tickets, click here, and for more information, visit