It was announced last night that the Rose Theatre has been awarded Best Commitment to the Community award at the Kingston Business Awards.
The inaugural awards are run by South London Business in partnership with Kingston Council and Kingston Chamber of Commerce. The Rose's Artistic Director Stephen Unwin said "We are absolutely delighted to win this award as recognition for the Rose's commitment to the community. The Rose is many things at once; an interNational Theatre, a national centre, a regional hub, but above all a place for the local community. We're very proud of the work that we do, with and for the community; from free events in the café, to youth theatre groups and from workshops and talks to the annual community play. We'd like to thank everyone who supports us and voted for us".
Rose volunteer Brian Freeman said "The opening of the Rose was the culmination of a long held dream for many people and the question was how those without theatrical skills could become involved and how the Rose can make a commitment to the community. Volunteering at the Rose is the most rewarding experience and for the Rose to win the Best Commitment to the Community award is the icing on the cake."
With over 200 volunteers, workshops, talks, drama groups, free events, graduation ceremonies and more, the Rose is a centre for learning and participation, and is currently launching ROSE PLUS.
Stephen Unwin explained "Rose Plus covers all the learning and participations events we provide and invite the community to come and enjoy. It's everything we do outside of shows in the auditorium, and it's equally important. It's something we are committed to developing and improving".
Rose Plus includes:
Volunteering opportunities. The Rose has a wide range of opportunities on offer, including ushering.
Time to Talks with Stephen Unwin. Past guests have included Patrick Stewart, Judi Dench and Maureen Lipman.