Ouroboros, written and performed by Charlotte Fox (Ecole Jacques Lecoq), is a riotous new solo play that satirises the disturbing consequences of today's growing culture of narcissism, ego, overconsumption and the extremes we go to in order to look and feel good.
Charlotte is both amused by the manipulation pedalled by many self-proclaimed wellness gurus, and yet also complicit in the culture that surrounds it. Utilizing her high aptitude for physical comedy, clown and grotesque bouffon, Fox holds up a distorting mirror to reflect the glamour, seduction, salesmanship, terror and deceit of the charlatans who inhabit the world of "wellness". She comments: "I created Ouroboros for audiences to see the impact of a society dominated by superficiality, commercialism, ego mania, selfies and Instagram culture. We consume waves of information about the realities of others and our own expectations for living have become distorted. I am all too aware of how psychologically damaging and anxiety-inducing these experiences can be.Videos