A secret, a spa in Bangkok and two naked Germans - Tough Time, NIce Time is a brilliantly funny, furiously paced exchange, set in a world in which celebrity culture and movies numb the brain and 24-hour rolling news desensitises humans to atrocity.
Two men engage in a circular discussion about love, death, fantasy and genocide. A disturbed and disturbing ex-rent boy drug-dealing lawyer shares his tales of misfortune with a jaded hack writer on a junket as their increasingly unbelievable stories collapse into obscenity and chaos.
Ridiculusmus plunge into the deepest and darkest holes of existence to show the poignancy of lives lived without meaning and take an indirect look at some of the more distasteful parts of contemporary culture; the theft of story and cult of celebrity, the exploited and the industry that exploits them. At its core lies the insatiable appetite of the contemporary consumer for stories and the ends to which people will go to get them.
Staged in a bath, with the audience cast as voyeurs, this is an intriguing and thought provoking drama probing the depths of identity and connection.
Tour dates:
Town: Chichester
Venue: The Showroom, University of Chichester, College Lane, Chichester, PO19 6PE
Date: 22nd October 2009
Time: 7.30pm
Tickets: £10 (£6 conc)
Box office: 01243 781 312 or www.chiuni.ac.uk/showroom
Town: Nuffield
Venue: Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YW
Dates: 26th and 27th October 2009
Time: 8pm
Tickets: £10 (£7 conc)
Box office: 01524 594 151 or www.nuffieldtheatre.com
Town: Liverpool
Venue: Unity Theatre, 1 Hope Place, Liverpool, L1 9BG
Date: 29th October 2009
Time: 8pm
Tickets: £9 (£7 conc)
Box office: 0151 709 4988 or www.unitytheatreliverpool.co.uk
Town: Crewe
Venue: Axis Arts Centre, MMU Cheshire, Crewe Green Road, Crewe, CW1 5DU
Date: 3rd November 2009
Time: 7.30pm
Tickets: £7 (£4.50 conc)
Box office: 0161 247 5302 or www.axisartscentre.org.uk
Town: Birmingham
Venue: Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EP
Dates: 4th - 7th November 2009
Time: 7.45pm
Tickets: £10 (£7.50 conc)
Box office: 0121 236 4455 or www.birmingham-rep.co.uk